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Spring Festival & Egg Hunt

Spring Festival & Egg Hunt

FREE Games, Prizes, Crafts, Activites, Bounce Houses, and an Egg Hunt!
Baked goods and drinks will be available for purchase to support the American Heritage Girls.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive

The Blood Drive will take place at 23 Meadowbrook Center and is open to the public. Kindness is in your blood! All presenting donors will receive an American Red Cross St. Patrick's Day Themed T-Shirt, while supplies last. Come to give in March for a $10 Gift Card by email.

MOB Chili Cook-Off

MOB Chili Cook-Off

Breakout the hot sauce and jalapeno peppers as we prepare for our annual chili
cook-off taking place in the Common Ground. The Mill’s boys will be sharing about their archery experiences, following our chili eating. You can sign up online or at the Welcome Counter.

Women of Bethesda Potluck

Women of Bethesda Potluck

This event will be held for ladies to gather and fellowship. The committee will have one person provide a short testimonial. Bring a dish and join in! Sign up online or at the Welcome Counter.

BYM New Year's Eve Lock-In

BYM New Year's Eve Lock-In

Does your 5th - 12th grade child want to have a ton of fun, not sleep, laugh for no reason because they are so tired, and an added bonus, ring in the new year? We have an event for you! so tired, and an added bonus, ring in the new year? We have an event for you!

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

Join the Children’s Ministry for a FREE admission Family Movie Night, in Room 101 (Cinema Room). Drop off the kids or stay and watch the movie with them. This is for ages 4 and up. Bring PJ’s, a blanket, and a stuffy. Snacks and drinks will be provided! No RSVP is Needed

Family Phantoms Ice Hockey Game

Family Phantoms Ice Hockey Game

Join the Phantoms in celebrating everyone’s favorite popcorn lover, Melvin, during his Birthday Bash! Sunday’s game will feature multiple mascots on hand, including a very special appearance by the Philadelphia Flyers’ mascot, Gritty! Seats are first level, goal line.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

Join the Children’s Ministry for a FREE admission Family Movie Night, in Room 101 (Cinema Room). Drop off the kids or stay and watch the movie with them. This is for ages 4 and up. Bring PJ’s, a blanket, and a stuffy. Snacks and drinks will be provided! No RSVP is Needed.

FREE Food Box Giveaway

FREE Food Box Giveaway


FREE Food Box Giveaway

FREE Food Box Giveaway


FREE Food Box Giveaway

FREE Food Box Giveaway


FREE Food Box Giveaway

FREE Food Box Giveaway


FREE Food Box Giveaway

FREE Food Box Giveaway


Holiday Pizza Party

Holiday Pizza Party

Parents: Enjoy some free time on us! Children in kindergarten - 4th grade are invited to a FREE Holiday Pizza Party! There will be free pizza, cake, cocoa, games, crafts, and stories!

Upward Sports Soccer League

Upward Sports Soccer League

INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE is open to boys and girls in 2nd - 5th grade, at a cost of $65.00. ONE Practice and ONE Game per week. Season begins on 1/7/25 and ends on 3/8/25. Evaluations will be held in December to help build equal teams. Deadline for registration is 11/30/2024.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

Join the Children’s Ministry for a FREE admission Family Movie Night, in Room
101 (Cinema Room). Drop off the kids or stay and watch the movie with them.This is for ages 4 and up. Bring PJ’s, a blanket, and a stuffy. Snacks and drinks will be provided! No RSVP Needed.

BYM FREE Night of Worship

BYM FREE Night of Worship

Get ready for a powerful night of worship with Matt Baird of Spoken, on November 10th. He will play worship hits relevant to youth. No RSVP or ticket needed.

Men of Bethesda's Range & Pizza Event

Men of Bethesda's Range & Pizza Event

Join the Men of Bethesda, for a time to shoot clay targets, sight in guns, etc. Afterwards, we will get pizza for lunch. Plan to meet at the Church, at 9:30 am. Bring your own guns and ammo or use Mike’s for $10. Meet at Bethesda at 9:30 am.

Women of Bethesda's Pre-Holiday Pause & Thankful Event

Women of Bethesda's Pre-Holiday Pause & Thankful Event

The end of the year seems more stressful with back-to-back holidays and activities. So, ladies, let's PAUSE to Reflect, Relax and Reach out to other women. Join the Women of Bethesda for a Pre-Holiday Pause & Thankful Event in the Common Area, of 23 Meadowbrook Center.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

Join the Children’s Ministry for a FREE admission Family Movie Night, in Room 101 (Cinema Room). Drop off the kids or stay and watch the movie with us. This is for ages 4 and up. Bring PJ’s, a blanket, and a stuffy. Snacks and drinks will be provided! No RSVP Needed.

Fall Fest

Fall Fest

Experience the magic of autumn at Fall Fest! Join us at Bethesda EC Church for a memorable evening filled with fun activities and delicious treats. Everything is FREE!

The Church Has Left The Building 2024

The Church Has Left The Building 2024

On Sunday, October 13th, we are asking members of the congregations of Bethesda EC Church and Grace EC Church, to come together to work in teams to provide service of various kinds for individuals and families in our community!

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Women's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Women of Bethesda in Room 200 (Library), for this season's bible study: Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Women of Faith Study Guide.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Men's Fall Semester Bible Study

Join the Men of Bethesda, in Room 202 (International Room), for this season's bible study: "Discussing Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

JOY Hymn Sing

JOY Hymn Sing

Join the Joy (Just Older Youth) Group at the Hymn Sing Event, on Sunday, September 29th, at 4pm, in the Sanctuary. This event will be led by Beverly & Wendall Heisler. Ice cream will be provided afterwards!

BYM Uprise Festival

BYM Uprise Festival

Attention 5th – 12th graders and their parents: Join the BYM on September 14th, for an exciting and uplifting experience, at the Uprise Festival! Meet at Bethesda EC Church, at 8:30 am. The individual cost is $75 or if you bring a friend, you both pay $37.50.

WOB Fall Painting Event

WOB Fall Painting Event

This is a FUN-draiser for the Women of Bethesda to help raise funds for the Ladies’ 2025 Retreat. Come paint with us and enjoy an evening of fun on Saturday, September 21st, from 4 to 7 pm, in the Common Ground. The price is $30 per person. Drinks (non-alcoholic) and snacks are included.

One Rock One Community FREE Music Festival

One Rock One Community FREE Music Festival

FREE Community Music Festival is on Saturday, September 14th, from 11 am to 6 pm. This event will be held at the Stop ‘n Rock, located at 1008 Rock Rd, in Pine Grove. FREE Admission & Parking, FREE Live Music, FREE Children's Area, including Bounce Houses, Train, Pony Rides, Crafts, DJ & More!

Yard Sale

Yard Sale

There will be a yard sale at the Social Hall Friday & Saturday, September 13th & 14th, from 8 am till 12 noon.

Yard Sale

Yard Sale

There will be a yard sale at the Social Hall Friday & Saturday, September 13th & 14th, from 8 am till 12 noon.

Sunday School Kick-Off

Sunday School Kick-Off

All are invited to our Sunday School Kick-Off, on September 8th, at 9 am, in the Sanctuary. There will be a brief introduction to all the Sunday School offerings, for adults, youth, and children.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

Join the Children’s Ministry for a FREE admission Family Movie Night from 6 pm - 8 pm, on September 6th, in Room 101 (Cinema Room). Drop off the kids or stay and watch the movie with us. This is for ages 4 and up. Bring PJ’s, a blanket and a stuffy. Popcorn and drinks will be provided!

BYM Group Meeting Kick-Off

BYM Group Meeting Kick-Off

Join the BYM in their kick-off meeting with pizza, fun, and a message. The BYM will continue to meet going forward every Sunday evening.

BYM Hangout

BYM Hangout

Join the BYM for hot hogs, hamburgers, tubing, and boating, on Wednesday, August 14th, from Noon - 4 pm, located at the Stoyer’s residence in Lake Wynonah. Call or Text Ed Moyer at 610-316-2425, to RSVP, by August 12th.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive

The Blood Drive will take place at 23 Meadowbrook Center and is open to the public. Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter: Bethesda Church to schedule an appointment.

Bethesda Friends & Family Picnic

Bethesda Friends & Family Picnic

Everyone is invited to the Annual Bethesda Friends and Family Picnic, on Sunday, August 18th!

Family Bonfire & Movie Night

Family Bonfire & Movie Night

Family fun alert! Get ready for a blazing bonfire and movie night extravaganza featuring hotdogs, s'mores, lemonade, and water galore! You can either drop off the kids or stick around for all the fantastic fun!

MOB's Cruise-In & Cook-Out

MOB's Cruise-In & Cook-Out

Calling all Men of Bethesda, to flaunt their wheels - be it cars, trucks, or motorcycles. No ride to show off? No worries, just show up and enjoy event!



This year’s VBS will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!



This year’s VBS will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!



This year’s VBS will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!



This year’s VBS will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!



This year’s VBS will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!

Outreach Bike Ride

Outreach Bike Ride

The Outreach Committee is sponsoring a bike ride on the Auburn-Hamburg portion of the Schuylkill River Rail-Trail on Saturday, June 15th, at 10 am. We will be meeting at the Auburn Trailhead (the bridge outside of Auburn). The bike ride is open to all ages and abilities.

Ladies' Campfire & Doggie Roast

Ladies' Campfire & Doggie Roast

Ladies, prepare for a sizzling good time at our Campfire & Doggie Roast on Saturday, June 15th! Join us at the Social Hall at 5:30 pm for a blazing campfire and hot dog feast.

Now Hiring: Office Supervisor

Now Hiring: Office Supervisor

We are looking to hire an Office Supervisor, for our Church and 23 Meadowbrook Center Office! Could this be you?

May Family Movie Night

May Family Movie Night

FREE Admission Family Movie Night from 6 pm - 8 pm. FREE popcorn, candy, and drinks will be provided!

EPIC Meatball MOB Event

EPIC Meatball MOB Event

Attention Men of Bethesda: We invite you to enjoy meatball subs, while Tim Patton shares his EPIC journey of a 2,600 mile bike trek from Argentina into Chile, over the Andes Mountains. Don’t miss this EPIC opportunity!

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Women's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 200, called “Walk As Jesus Walked”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Women's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 200, called “Walk As Jesus Walked”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Women's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 200, called “Walk As Jesus Walked”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Women's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 200, called “Walk As Jesus Walked”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Women's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 200, called “Walk As Jesus Walked”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Women's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Women's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 200, called “Walk As Jesus Walked”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Men's Spring Semester Bible Study

Wednesday April 10th, starts a new Men's Spring Semester Bible Study, in Room 202, called “The Lord’s Prayer”. Please note, there is no childcare available for this semester.

Yard Sale

Yard Sale

There will be a yard sale at the Social Hall on Friday & Saturday, April 26th & 27th from 8 am till 12 noon. If you would like to have a table, the cost is $7. Please contact Laverne Houtz.

Yard Sale

Yard Sale

There will be a yard sale at the Social Hall on Friday & Saturday, April 26th & 27th from 8 am till 12 noon. If you would like to have a table, the cost is $7. Please contact Laverne Houtz.

Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

FREE Admission Family Movie Night! Drop off the kids or stay and watch the movie with us. This is for ages 4 and up. Bring a blanket and a stuffy. We will be watching our movie in the cinema room. FREE popcorn, candy, and drinks will be provided! Presented by the Bethesda Children’ Ministry.

JOY Speaker and Snacks

JOY Speaker and Snacks

All adults are welcome to attend this event, in Room 200, the Library. Rich Nickel will be presenting slides and information on his travels to Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Please bring a snack to share.

2024 Ladies' Retreat

2024 Ladies' Retreat

Mark your calendars for the best weekend of the year! March 15th - 17th!

MOB Annual Chili Cook-Off

MOB Annual Chili Cook-Off

Breakout the hot sauce and jalapeno peppers as we prepare for our annual chili cook-off & baked potato bar!

Ladies' Crafternoon

Ladies' Crafternoon

Join the Women of Bethesda, in the Common Ground, on Saturday, January 27, 2023, from 11 am - 2 pm (No Snow Date) for a Crafternoon! Suggested Donation: $5. Childcare is available!

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

The whole family is invited to join us for this special candlelight service as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

BYM Christmas Party

BYM Christmas Party

Students in 5th-12th grade, join the BYM, from 2 to 5 pm, in Common Ground, for a time of Christmas cookie making and hanging out!

Winter Thaw 2024

Winter Thaw 2024

BYM Youth Weekend Retreat. The 2024’s Winter Thaw theme is Thrive! Cost is $130 and is for youth in grades 6th through 12th grade.

“The Story Continues...”  Bethesda EC Church Congregational Meeting

“The Story Continues...” Bethesda EC Church Congregational Meeting

“The Story Continues...”
Bethesda EC Church Congregational Meeting

BYM Hangout Night

BYM Hangout Night

All youth in 5th - 12th grade, join us for roller skating & laser tag, then pizza or hot dogs, followed by glow bowling!

Thanksgiving Pie & Praise

Thanksgiving Pie & Praise

The whole family is invited to join us in a service of remembering all we have to be thankful for. We will sing, share praises, and eat pie together!

Children's Ministry Fall Crafternoon

Children's Ministry Fall Crafternoon

Join us for a fun time of crafts, pumpkin painting, playing games, hearing a lesson, and eating treats!

FREE Food Box Giveaways

FREE Food Box Giveaways

Boxes are first come first serve, while supplies last. This is a drive thru pick up event. You will stay in your vehicle and we will load the food box for you.

FREE Food Box Giveaways

FREE Food Box Giveaways

Boxes are first come first serve, while supplies last. This is a drive thru pick up event. You will stay in your vehicle and we will load the food box for you.

FREE Food Box Giveaways

FREE Food Box Giveaways

Boxes are first come first serve, while supplies last. This is a drive thru pick up event. You will stay in your vehicle and we will load the food box for you.

FREE Food Box Giveaways

FREE Food Box Giveaways

Boxes are first come first serve, while supplies last. This is a drive thru pick up event. You will stay in your vehicle and we will load the food box for you.

FREE Food Box Giveaways

FREE Food Box Giveaways

Boxes are first come, first serve, while supplies last. This is a drive-thru pick-up event. You will stay in your vehicle and we will load the food box for you.

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